This just happened

First off, I'd like to welcome Joel to our quartet of merriment. I'm inspired and somewhat threated by your first post. I feel, as the only female in this four-man band, that the extra pressure is on me.... musician, chick, writer, man about town. I'm suppossed to be all things to all Rahn Rahn! Can I hang? Can I begin to use vulgarity? Please? If only when expressing joy, or how hard something fucking rocks?
Secondly, You Send It is my new best friend. Dot mac, you can go to hell.
Third-est, I am really rocking it hard to the new Raconteurs record, especially this song:
The Level
during the guitar solo, between counts 2 and 3 check out what almost sounds like a bass clarinet on the first phrase.....
also, coming out of the solo, Jack White echos the main melody sung by the lead singer (who is nowhere near as exciting as Jack) and each vocalist is panned opposite the other. Done before you say? Doesn't matter, says me.
but for pure hard rocking hotness, you really can't beat this little sweet piece of action
Intimate Secretary
I won't begin to say I've listened to and adequately analyzed the lyrics - I, like Jeff, don't care as much for lyrics the way, um, others do. However, I do enjoy the simplicity of "I've got a rabbit who likes to shop" and "I've got a red Japanese tea pot." I also enjoy the coining of the word Khakistocracy.
my favorite moment in the song (and please, dear reader, turn it UP) occurs at 1:34 into the song. Then it happens again, with a new sound added at 2:15. listen closely and enjoy.
Yup, that "moment" in Intimate Secretary is really nice. Pete Thomas from The Attractions is the king of that kind of thing. It also provides my favorite moment in The Breeders' "Cannonball" -- one of the great singles of all time, BTW.
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