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Hello everybody. I'm Joel, old friend of Jeff, brother-in-law of Alex, and crafter of pretentious comments on others' blogs. Thanks very much to the Ranh Ranh gatekeepers for allowing me in. A guest ought not greet his hosts empty handed, so accept this triple-helping of funk.
One Day features the uniting of some profound wonder powers--The Angelic Gospel Singers with the Dixie Hummingbirds. Yummy piano. Plus, make sure you listen through to the final chorus.
The Good Thing is my favorite song from my favorite band--tight rhythm section, distortion-less guitars, stoner fortune cookie lyrics, shamelessly white funkiness. And yes, Jeff, you can name your next band Stoner Fortune Cookie.
Bra (try explaining THAT google search to the wife) is from Cymande (pictured above), a group I discovered recently at Waterloo, although we've heard this song sampled, like, a gajillion times (Alex and I counted). These bruthas have some creative headgear and SERIOUS flares.
The bassist in Bra is like an evil genius. Of funk.
Never heard that Talking Heads song before, but I love it. I might have to get MSABAF -- that more stripped down new-wavey TH sound is right up my alley, and I spose I haven't heard that much of it (I have Remain In Light and some of the later records).
As for Cymande -- hard-stereo-panned percussion ahoy!
An auspicious debut.
More Songs About Buildings and Food is their first album with Brian Eno. It's slightly funkier than their angularly geeky debut, but they aren't yet at the confident, experimental Afrobeat stuff. MSABAF is their Rubber Soul.
ummm. i so need to be in that photo.
I always thought that a great band name, other than Bad Astronaut, would be...
wait for it.....
now picture a bunch of huge rocker dudes...
the name of the band is....
ladies and gentlement, the Cleveland Cat Club is proud to present, for your rocking pleasure, Fat Whore!!!!
Let's hope that band never gets famous...otherwise who is gonna pay more than $20 for a fat whore?
Sonnet, muhfuhs the world over want to be in a photo with Cymande. Just check out for some pot smoker who photo-shopp'd himself (or hisself) amidst the funk.
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